zamri and along!

Kak Has pulak, mesti hepi kan... yelah... dah dapat stay ngan husband...
K, lah... take care guys! text me selalu k...
Because Life Is Random. I'm Random. We're All Random.
zamri and along!
PUMA Ring II Ostrich FS
So, hopefully next month i would be able untuk beli kasut ni!!!!!!!!!!!!
control comel? - Boy the Sabahan Guy
The blurred Me!
So bila dn kenyang, masing2 dah jd malas... malas nak geraaaaak! So lepak ar sekejap kat situ...
Lepas dah makan-makan... along ajak g jalan segget... ade cam night bazaar ar kat situ... at there I walked with along n boy take his own path...
taking his own path
From one stall @ booth to another kitaorang just tengok2 ape yang dijual kat situ... btw a lots of things are there and harga dia pun not bad.
Sampai kat one booth ni hati dah terpaut pada satu beg, so I just bought it!
It was a Chinta pandang pertama! The revolution is already here, there will be no other similarly geared and at the same time well-balanced phone in 2009. It sports an unparalleled price/quality ratio! Call quality was never an issue with the 5800, as it easily lived up to my expectations of a Nokia-branded phone. Ring tones sounded quite loud and I am happy with them even in noisy environments. The vibro alter was of moderate strength.
I also can mute the 5800’s notification sounds and ringtones simply by flipping it face-down!
iPod Nano 4th Generation
So, my comments : Its awesome. the screen doesn't have any scratchs at all! its really hard to scratch unlike the older ipods/gadgets. And the non shiny aluminum doesn't pick up fingerprints or scratches either. So it basically looks brand new. What stinks though is genuis playlists only work if the music is from itunes and i get most of my music from Cds or Napster. Other than that it s been amazing. Kalau x, takkan lah aku sanggup beli kan?