Aku kebosanan!!!!!!!
Serious beb, had nothing to do... nasib baek ziera my jiran merangkap my colleague ajak aku g tengok movie, citer WOLVERINE... so ari jumaat, pas solat dlm kul 2.30 aku n Along (my housemate) gerak dr umah n sampai kt City Square JB (CS) dlm kul 3 lebih, nasib baek citer tu start kul 3.30.. itula along kn dh cakap susah nk dpat bas..(actually tggu jgak ar bas bout 15 mins, bt since dh x de bas, naik teksi je lah).
sampai kt sana, try to call Moon n asked for her location... then x sampai 5 mins, terpacul lah Cik Moon, Laila n Ziera kat situ...
so, klu korang tanya ape pndapat aku tentang citer ni... my answer would be definitely "BOLEHLA", btw it just not my genre! bolehla klu untuk nk isi masa lapang... hu3...
abih citer, kitaorang g makan (actually aku n along ja coz ziera, moon n laila dh decide nk g Plaza Pelangi), ingat cam nk follow diaorg, bt since Along x nk pergi... then i just follow him...
tp sbnarnya we just take dfrent direction... and I walked alone!
We arrived at home around 8 p.m n I take shower before headed to Ziera, Moon n Laila's house tuk layan Final OIAM season 3... and the result is predictable, TOMOK wins the competition (Kash! U must be very hepi yeah!)
Serious beb, had nothing to do... nasib baek ziera my jiran merangkap my colleague ajak aku g tengok movie, citer WOLVERINE... so ari jumaat, pas solat dlm kul 2.30 aku n Along (my housemate) gerak dr umah n sampai kt City Square JB (CS) dlm kul 3 lebih, nasib baek citer tu start kul 3.30.. itula along kn dh cakap susah nk dpat bas..(actually tggu jgak ar bas bout 15 mins, bt since dh x de bas, naik teksi je lah).
sampai kt sana, try to call Moon n asked for her location... then x sampai 5 mins, terpacul lah Cik Moon, Laila n Ziera kat situ...
so, klu korang tanya ape pndapat aku tentang citer ni... my answer would be definitely "BOLEHLA", btw it just not my genre! bolehla klu untuk nk isi masa lapang... hu3...
abih citer, kitaorang g makan (actually aku n along ja coz ziera, moon n laila dh decide nk g Plaza Pelangi), ingat cam nk follow diaorg, bt since Along x nk pergi... then i just follow him...
tp sbnarnya we just take dfrent direction... and I walked alone!
We arrived at home around 8 p.m n I take shower before headed to Ziera, Moon n Laila's house tuk layan Final OIAM season 3... and the result is predictable, TOMOK wins the competition (Kash! U must be very hepi yeah!)