I rate this movie so-so because if you have never read the books, you might enjoy it; however, if you have read the books, you are so annoyed at what the makers did to this movie you just leave the theatre feeling cranky at the whole thing.
I wish I knew why they did not stick to the book like they have in the past. They took out important things and added in stupid things...one example is the burning of the burrow. Why??? I just don't get it. Athough there were many things wrong with the way they "interpreted" the book, the thng that annoyed me the most was the ending, really, could they not get the Dumbledore thing right?
Anyway, if you want to fully understand what is going on in the movie, you will have to read the books, but then you will probably end up asking yourself the same question I did...why did they botch this like they did? I hope they get it right next time mostly because I really hate leaving the movies annoyed and cranky.