Ari ni aku dapat surat jawapan permohonan pertukaran aku dari Johor Bahru to either Shah Alam or Putrajaya, but unfortunately jawapan yang aku terima adalah "PERMOHONAN PERTUKARAN ANDA TIDAK DAPAT DIPERTIMBANGKAN DIATAS BEBERAPA SEBAB" wtf la....
But, I'm not the only one.... Kak Su & Ayu juga mengalami nasib yang sama sepertiku (hu3 skema punya ayat)... i'm trying to be positive.... m'be it just not my time....
I will write an appeal letter against that decision to DG BHEUU and DG Insolvency.... perhaps i would be able to further my studies early next year.... AMINNNN!
Guys wish me luck n please pray for me!
But, I'm not the only one.... Kak Su & Ayu juga mengalami nasib yang sama sepertiku (hu3 skema punya ayat)... i'm trying to be positive.... m'be it just not my time....
I will write an appeal letter against that decision to DG BHEUU and DG Insolvency.... perhaps i would be able to further my studies early next year.... AMINNNN!
Guys wish me luck n please pray for me!