Tekanan Bukan Perasaan!

I'm not going out for lunch... entah... cam malas nak g makan... especially kat 7L tu... ye lah, kalau tiap-tiap hari lauk yang sama bosan la jgak...

so i just stay at the office n update this blog...

Sebenarnya banyak kerja aku nak kna buat tapi... aku malas sangat... malas giler vavi punyalah... aku tengok2 kan fail n reply surat-surat aja... tp nak reply all the letters pown tetap jgak nak kna refer Act... tu yang pening sikit...

Sambil reply surat2 tu... I'm thinking of a few issues revolves around me... about someone that make me feel quite "TERKILAN"... I don't know whether -_- notices that...

Maybe I'm the one who over react? But I'm not the one that u can just make promises without make it happens...
People says “Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.” but for me, I smile b'coz it over n I cry b'coz it happened...
And if it was my mistakes... then i seek ur apologize!

But, if it wasn't... then give me some times so as things can back to normal.... but i wonder!