I'm Tired!

heya! will updated my blog later...

Tribute to Yasmin Ahmad


Yasmin Ahmad
(July 1st, 1958 - July 25th, 2009)

This is what she said about herself in her blog http://yasminthestoryteller.blogspot.com/:

I am optimistic and sentimental to the point of being annoying, especially to people who think that being cynical and cold is cool. Everyday, I thank Allah for everyday things like the ability to breathe, the ability to love, the ability to laugh, and the ability to eat and drink.-

May God Bless Her...

Kursus Kenegaraan

Will be leaving for Kursus Kenegaraan or BTN @ Lembah Azwen Resort, Hulu Langat, Selangor from 23-27 July 2009... will updates the blog soon!


Syukur Alhamdulillah... I pass both papers of Peperiksaan Undang-Undang Kerajaan...

Thanks to my mom... she pray for me a lot!

A Day With Friends!

I woke up around 8a.m, took breakfast and updated my blog this morning... pas tu surf internet sekejap, but my broadband speed quite slow... since dah malas nak tunngu... layan lah sekejap DVD Heroes season 1... ada lg 2 discs yang tak sempat nk tengok.

lebih kurang pukul 11 lebih baru aku g mandi... pas tu sambung tengok Heroes and surf internet sekejap.

lepas je solat zohor, aku n along kluar g Plaza Angsana for some shoppings there... maklumlah next week nak g Kursus Kenegaraan @ Kem BTN. So just need some T-Shirts...

ni gambar kat depan Reject Shop... tengah tunggu Along beli towel

akhirnya keluar jugak dari situ...

g makan @ ZZ Sup tulang

sambil menunggu meehoon tomyam!

di bawah pondok

teman intan g makan kat Plaza Pelangi

lepas makan g maen bowling 2 games...

sara, me & intan...

ala... posing je lebih!
@ last bowling ball tu masuk dalam alley jugak!

Outing With Ziera & Moon

Actually gambar-gambar ni semua ada dalam phone aku, dat y la baru update kat sini... kira lepas tegok citer Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince tu petang semalam kitaorg jalan-jalan la kat City Square, pastu g Kotaraya and last sekali jalan-jalan kat Jalan Segget.

dah lepas jalan-jalan tu, rasa lapar lah plak...so tempat makan yang terdekat hanyalah KFC... maklumlah dh malam... so foodcourt pown dah tutup...

again and again... snack plate je lah

Cik Moon makan2 sambil senyum

tengok2 sempat lagi posing ni... pantang aje jumpa camera mesti nak amek gambar...

Cik Moon & Cik Ziera... kalo korang perasan, kira x cukup kuorum lah ni... selalunya mesti bertiga, tp ari ni Cik Laila g UiTM Shah Alam... ade Seminar e-PJJ.

Lepas je makan kat KFC tu kitaorg jalan2 g Jalan Segget. Kalau korang nak tahu, kat Jalan Segget ni malam-malam ada cam bazaar jual barang2 terpakai, barang antik dan macam-macam lah.

Sampai kat umah pun dah almost 10p.m, mandi and terus tidor...

Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince

I rate this movie so-so because if you have never read the books, you might enjoy it; however, if you have read the books, you are so annoyed at what the makers did to this movie you just leave the theatre feeling cranky at the whole thing.

I wish I knew why they did not stick to the book like they have in the past. They took out important things and added in stupid things...one example is the burning of the burrow. Why??? I just don't get it. Athough there were many things wrong with the way they "interpreted" the book, the thng that annoyed me the most was the ending, really, could they not get the Dumbledore thing right?

Anyway, if you want to fully understand what is going on in the movie, you will have to read the books, but then you will probably end up asking yourself the same question I did...why did they botch this like they did? I hope they get it right next time mostly because I really hate leaving the movies annoyed and cranky.

Movies To Watch!

I'm going to watch Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince besok, together with Ziera n Moon... Along plak last minutes cakap tak nak ikowt... so kitaorang bertiga aje lah...

btw... kat bawah ni adalah 2 movies wajib tonton kat dalam list aku...

release date : 30th july 2007

release date : 6th august 2009

James Baum - Locked In Love

What can I say about him? His voice is stunning! I seriously thought that he is an international singer when I first heard him on Locked In Love. Wow, Malaysia's quality in music has definitely improved with his songs.

Can't wait to hear more from him!

I cant recognize who i am
when i'm lookin in a mirror(mirror, no, no ,no ,no)
shackled by the love i have for you
and i know that u feelin the same
we were once both 2 beautiful minds
attracted to each other
the differences that we had
somewhere along the line we kinda lost out way


so im not just gonna sit around
and let u forget what we were
once there was strength in being together
we need to find keys out of this prison


locked in a prison
in a prison i know that we made
ohhhhoo ohhhoo ooo
why cant we be like the birds an the bees
livin for each day
locked in love, your love, my love, it's our love
it's such a shame uhoo uhoo uhoo


i cant remember the moments we shared
when im staring at the pictures
no no no noooo
the ones we hung on the wall
why cant we be like that today (today,today)
we we're once both glowing with love
drawn into each other (lovin every moment we spent)
(what can we do to recover that)
how did we get so blind
how do we find a way


but i'm not just gonna sit around
and let u forget what we were
once there we're straight in being together
we need to find keys out of this prison


locked in a prison
in a prison i know that we made
ohhhhoo ohhhoo ooo
why cant we be like the birds an the bees
livin for each day
locked in love, your love, my love, it's our love
it's such a shame
uhoo uhoo uhoo
how it ended up this way
wooohow nooooo


how it ended up this way
wooohow nooooo

i dont wanna let this go
nooo ooooo ooo (i dont wanna let this go)
(i dont wann let it fade)
(i dont wanna walk away)
(but i cant carry on this way)
(i dont wanna let this go)
(i dont wann let it fade)
(i dont wanna walk away)
(but i cant carry on this way)


locked in a prison
in a prison i know that we made
ohhhhoo ohhhoo ooo
why cant we be like the birds an the bees
livin for each day
locked in love, your love, my love, it's our love
it's such a shame
uhoo uhoo uhoo

how it ended up this way
how it ended up this way
i dont know
i dont know
and i dont know why

Lembah Azwen Resort

Few weeks ago, i was informed by my friends that our Kursus Kenegaraan supposedly been held at Kem BTN Ayer Keroh Melaka on 23-27 July 2009 had been moved to Lembah Azwen Resort, somewhere in Hulu Langat Selangor... btw, i'm yet to decide whether to go with Sis Awin or someone else...

so, balik je daripada High Court, aku surf la internet cari info pasal resort ni... kalau tengok dari luar tu nampak cam best, tapi x tahulah kalau dah ada kat dalam tu macam mana pulak kan? Takut nanti indah kabar dari rupa...

apa-apa pun aku publish kan kat sini beberapa keping gambar yang aku dapat dari website resort tu...

kira okey la...


Sedar atau tidak, negara kita dicemburui oleh banyak negara luar diatas kemajuan pesat yang dialami oleh negara... sedar atau tidak juga, banyak laman web, blog, forum diwujudkan untuk menghina negara terutamanya oleh rakyat Indonesia...

Ditambah pula dengan ketegangan di perairan blok Ambalat serta beberapa insiden sebelum ini termasuk Lagu Rasa Sayang dan beberapa lagi isu budaya dan pemilikan seni warisan bersama... hubungan 2 negara serumpun menjadi sesuatu yang sensitif untuk dibicarakan...

Media-media indonesia juga selalu memprovokasi rakyatnya dengan berita-berita yang boleh di sangkal... terutama menyiarkan isu rumah tangga Putera Diraja Kelantan dan isterinya Manohara Odelia Pinot yang kebenarannya masih samar-samar....

Bukan itu sahaja, hasil provokasi media-media indonesia telah menyebabkan berlakunya Demonstrasi dan Tunjuk Perasaan Anti Malaysia di beberapa tempat di Indonesia. bukan itu sahaja, malah Bendera kebanggaan negara, Jalur Gemilang turut dibakar.

Beberapa laman web, blog dan forum dari Malaysia diserang bertubi2 oleh hackers Indonesia dan web seperti www.malingsia.com diwujudkan untuk memburuk-burukkan Malaysia... Bukan itu sahaja, forum Malaysia seperti http://www.topix.com/forum/world/malaysia/ turut diceroboh oleh forumers Indonesia dan terus-terusan menghina Malaysia.

Apa yang dikesalkan adalah, mereka juga menghina Jalur Gemilang dan membuat tuduhan melulu bahawa Jalur Gemilang adalah hasil ciplakan Bendera U.S.A padahal Bendera Indonesia sendiri adalah sama dari segi warna dan rekaan 100% dengan Bendera Monaco!

Begitu juga dengan Lagu Negaraku... dikatakan telah di ciplak daripada lagu Terang Bulan... padahal lagu Mamula Moon daripada Hawaii yang telah mempengruhi melodi lagu Negaraku.

Apa-apapun... terpulanglah pada rakyat Malaysia untuk menilai sendiri apa-apa provokasi yang dilemparkan oleh Media Indonesia. Saya pasti rakyat Malaysia tidak mudah di provokasi....

Gemilang Malysia

p.s/ syabas kepada bloggers & forumers Malaysia yang berjaya menyangkal dakwaan bodoh Indonesia...


semalam my father call me and told me that my sister in law had delivered her first baby on monday... maksudnya sekarang aku dah ada 2 nieces and 1 nephew...

so today i received MMS from my sister... and she sent together above pic.... OMG! She just so cute!

tapi sampai sekarang aku belum tahu lagi siapa nama niece aku ni...

Makan Durian @ Umah Kak Oya

panaskan enjin keta,
sambil tu sempat lagi snap gambar...

actually aku memang malas nak kluar ari ni... tp yaya beriya-iya nak ke rumah Kak Oya...our colleague... untuk makan durian... dia org dh lama plan tapi tapi disebabkan x ada driver so terpaksalah aku drive ke Kulai...

sambil tunggu Cik Moon bersiap, aku turun lah dulu dan panaskan enjin keta sekejap... tetiba aja hujan lebat... tapi x apelah, be careful ja... so kitaorg g amek yaya kat umah dia... dan disebabkan semua x tahu jalan terpaksalah kitaorg roger Kak J.Y.

So, Kak J.Y. tunggu kitaorang dekat McD Kulai... hampir setengah jam jugak la baru sampai sana... kat sana Kak J.Y n her husband together with Kak Jikak n her family dah siap tunggu kitaorg, sempat lagi tu diaorg makan kat McD tu.

sampai ja McD tu, kitaorg terus gerak ke umah Kak Oya... dan disebabkan kitaorg x tahu jalan, so ikowt je lah belakang diaorang...

banyak juga la kitaorg makan durian... bukan setakat makan je... bawak balik umah lagi... thanks to bapa si Oya.... balik umah, kitaorg bahagi2kan lah buah2 tu semua kat kawan2 kitaorg yang stay kat Apartment Bukit Saujana ni...

besok, mesti keta tu akan tercemar dengan bau durian.... siap lah seminggu tu baru hilang bau...


Disebabkan aku malas nak keluar even ari ni weekend, so aku just breakfast kat dalam bilik aja ari ni... bangun pown dah kul 8...

raisins, epal juice, egg bun and cheese bun